DANSA publications

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Academic journals

PJB Jackson, V Singampalli "Statistical identification of critical articulators in the production of speech". Speech Communication, 51 (8), 695-710, August 2009. bib | doi | preprint ]

Y Shiga, PJB Jackson (2008). "Start-node and end-node pruning for efficient segmental-HMM decoding". Electronics Letters, 40 (1), 60-61. bib | doi | preprint ]


PJB Jackson, V Singampalli (2008). "Coarticulatory constraints determined by automatic identification from articulograph data". In Proc. 8th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP'08), p. 377-380, Strasbourg, France. [ bib | preprint | poster ]

PJB Jackson, V Singampalli (2008). "Statistical identification of critical, dependent and redundant articulators". J. Acoust. Soc. Am., presented at Acoustics'08, 123 (5, Part 2), p. 3321, Paris. [ bib | doi | abstract | slides ]

V Singampalli, PJB Jackson (2007). "Statistical identification of critical, dependent and redundant articulators". In Proc. Interspeech 2007, 70-73, Antwerp, Belgium. bib | preprint | slides ]


V Singampalli, PJB Jackson (2008). "Towards deriving compact and meaningful articulatory representations: an analysis of feature extraction techniques". In Proc. One-day Meeting for Young Speech Researchers (UK Speech'08), p. 27 A, Guildford, UK. [ bib | abstract ]

V Singampalli, PJB Jackson (2007). "A statistical technique for identifying articulatory roles in speech production". In Proc. One-day Meeting for Young Speech Researchers (UK Speech'07), p. 25 A, London. [ abstract | poster ]

V Singampalli, PJB Jackson (2007). "Coarticulatory relations in a compact model of articulatory dynamics". In Proc. one-day meeting on Unified Models for Speech Recognition and Synthesis,* Birmingham, UK, p.3 (A). [ abstract(.txt) | slides ]

Y Shiga, PJB Jackson (2007). "Comparison of Pruning Strategies for Segmental HMMs". In Proc. one-day meeting on Unified Models for Speech Recognition and Synthesis,* Birmingham, UK, p.7 (A). [ abstract(.txt) | slides ]

V Singampalli, PJB Jackson (2005). "Statistical models to relate speech gestures to meaning". Presented at One-day meeting on Trajectory models for speech processing,* Edinburgh, UK. [ abstract ]


V Singampalli, PJB Jackson (2009). "ACIDA: Articulation constraint identification algorithm". Online, version 1.0.
http://personal.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/P.Jackson/Dansa/Acida/ ]

V Singampalli, PJB Jackson (2009). "Annotation notes for the MOCHA-TIMIT database (v 1.2)". Online, version 1.0.
http://personal.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/P.Jackson/Dansa/Mocha/ ]

PJB Jackson, Y Shiga, V Singampalli, MJ Russell (2008). "SegRec: Segmental HMM Recognition software". Online, version 1.0.
http://personal.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/P.Jackson/Dansa/SegRec/ ]

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